
Main Authors

Mohamed Mbugar Sar

Mohamed Mbugar Sar

Mohamed Mbugar Sar

Mohamed Mbugar Sar (born 1990) is a Senegalese author. Born in Dakar, in the family of a doctor. He is a lover by nationality. Graduated from Saint Louis Military School. In 2009, he moved to France. Studied literature and philosophy at the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris. Sar is the first writer from sub-Saharan Africa to receive France's most prestigious literary award in 2021. he was awarded "Goncourt" for the book "Hiding of Memory". The book is a fusion of several genres. This is both an intellectual detective story, a coming-of-age and love story, a reportage, a philosophical essay, an autobiography, and a political pamphlet. This book is about writing and life, and about the complex relationship between Africa and Western civilization.