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Ruzanna Mesropyan

Ruzanna Mesropyan

Ruzanna Mesropyan

Ruzanna Mesropyan (born 1957) is the head of the Exhibition Organization and Popularization Department at the Isahakyan House-Museum. Her works have appeared in various publications, including "Grakan Tert," "Hayastani Hanrapetutyun," "Krtutyun," "Eter," "Kanch," and "Magaghat." She is a co-author of "Avetik Isahakyan: Scientific Readings" and "Isahakyan Mementos.” Additionally, Mesropyan proofread the Armenian version of the poem "Abu-Lala Mahari" and the "Crossword-Book on Isahakyan Themes." She has also authored and co-authored several film scripts.