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[Newmag Summer Fest]. Open Lectures: How, why and

[Newmag Summer Fest]. Open Lectures: How, why and what to write, translate and publish in the 21st century? (photos)


Newmag Summer Fest 2021 took place on June 16. During the first summer festival, different events took place in several locations at the same time. Location 2 was an open lecture hall, where the meetings with the most interesting representatives of the fi


The series of open lectures was launched by host, producer, and influencer Arevik Udumyan. Her topic was "Identity building in social networks". Who is the influencer, what does he do on social networks, why are they the most popular people in the virtual world today? Arevik Udumyan started the meeting by giving comprehensive answers to these questions. "Being famous is not a prerequisite for being an influencer. Any user with a large audience can form a public opinion.” Arevik Udumyan introduced celebrities in the world and on social networks, whose source of income is Facebook, Instagram or Tik Tok. She introduced several methods for gaining large numbers of followers. Arevik Udumyan notes that increasing the number of visitors and the desire to become famous should not become the top priority. "The most important precondition is to never deceive the followers, to be honest with them."



The century dictates its literary style, taste, themes, tendencies. The writer must also be fashionable, today the reader is demanding, and foreign literature is available more than ever. The Armenian writer must take into account that the consumer will always compare them with the famous international writers. The open lecture of writer, publicist Karine Khodikyan was on these topics.

How to write in the 21st century, to be literate and modern at the same time, not to bore the reader and the audience. Karine Khodikyan brought examples from her own literary pieces, gave practical advice on how not to write and assured the participants that reading Armenian literature and contemporary Armenian writers is equally important. 



The series of open lectures was continued by Gnel Nalbandyan, Editor-in-Chief of Newmag Publishing House. His lecture was on the topic "Text and Context". How to write, how to compose the thought, to make the essay literate and to keep the logic of the text? He explained to the audience how to distinguish text from context. The examples of the editor were more than vivid - the official announcements published by government structures every day. In this case, the mind is often distorted in the context. Extremely incomprehensible formulations and vocabulary become a pile of sentences for the reader. Without context the formulated idea can be meaningless. It can simply become a sentence with overloaded words. 



Edik Poghosyan, Art Director of Newmag Publishing House, gave an open lecture on "5 Rules of Design". First, he presented 5 tips, which, if followed, can attract the reader at once. Edik Poghosyan presented the design features, trends, modern and classic tools in the field of printing. Referring to the publishers, the art director noted that everyone chooses their policy and approaches in terms of engaging the reader. The most important thing for the publisher is the reader. In order to gain his attention and trust, the publishing team should pay special attention to all the details:the color and the text must be in harmony with each other.



The last meeting in the open lecture hall was with translator Liana Zakaryan. Liana has been with Newmag Publishing since the beginning. In the topic "The subtle art of translation" she presented the skills that a translator should have. For example, perfect knowledge of the language, writing skills, ability to pay attention to details, and at the same time the ability to "listen" and "speak".  Liana also talked about the 5 stages of translation: everything starts with the acquaintance with the text, then you do the initial translation, after which there is an endless stage of corrections and checks, then you leave your brain alone for a while, at the end, during the 5th stage, you come back for the most crucial part of refining the text.
