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[Newmag Summer Fest] What Tales did the Political

[Newmag Summer Fest] What Tales did the Political and Public Figures Read for the Little Readers? (photos)


In the scope of Newmag Summer Fest, children were the honoured guests in the garden and famous people read fairy tales special for them. For more than 5 hours the little book lovers had a unique opportunity to hear the interesting stories of Arpi Maghakya

Arpi Maghakyan wrote her "Yerevan Tales" three years ago and dedicated it to her two children. At first, she made up stories for them, later Arpi decided to write the tales on paper and thus "Yerevan, the Tale of the City of Love", "David of Sassoun, the Sculptor and the Dwarf Rudolf", "The Crow Named Carlos", "The Song of the Tulips", "The Dream of the Boy Sleeping in the Bell Tower", "The New Adventures of the Invincible Rooster", "The Miraculous Book and the Tears of Happiness " and “The Donkey and the Ghost” tales were written. 


From 16:00 until late in the evening celebrities were reading Arpi’s tales. Former deputy of the National Assembly, journalist Naira Zohrabyan gathered the children around her, read some fairytales, then communicated with her guests. "Newmag Summer Fest was the main literary event of this summer. It was a fantastic day to read books, to discuss them and think about literary topics.”

TV hosts Nazeni Hovhannisyan, Arevik Udumyan, Narek Margaryan, actress Liana Vanoyan were reading fairy tales about our capital Yerevan. These tales were quite interesting for the little readers, because the locations and stories were familiar to them. 


According to the author of the book, the fairy tale contains crystallized truths from centuries, confirmed by the life experience of the people. According to her, there are 8 fairy tales in the book, which are based on true stories.“For example, in "The Red Hill" I present the childhood of Karo Ghafadaryan who conducted excavations there. Once while sleeping in his yard he hears a magic voice, which directs him to the Red Hill and little Karo gets acquainted with the mysterious story of the hill completely covered with tulips.”


The book has no age limit for the reader. Although after some time the writer had thoughts about the relationship between parent and child. By reading the stories, they can spend time together and walk around those places, discover new places, new worlds.“The Internet has deteriorated the relationship between children and parents and stole them from each other. I have done almost everything to make the book interesting, easy-to-read  and interactive for the reader.”


The tales about Yerevan are short, with simple sentences and interesting illustrations. At the end of each fairy tale, the tale directs the reader in the footsteps of the main character of the fairy tale to a museum or a specific place on the Yerevan streets. Arpi and other celebrities advised the little guests of the summer festival to visit all the cultural places mentioned in the fairy tales. 

