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Margaret Mitchell. Birthday of the author of the m

Margaret Mitchell. Birthday of the author of the most impressive, emotional book in the world literature (video in Armenian)


She was a writer and a rebellious personality. She shocked the Puritan society with his unobtrusive dances. As a journalist, she roamed the city freely when wife's place was at home. She was a philanthropist whose generosity put her own reputation and eve

Mitchell was born in Atlanta in 1900. Her father, lawyer Eugene Mitchell, built the city's first public library and founded the Atlanta History Association. Her mother was a well-educated Irish woman, a staunch Catholic. At the age of 18, Mitchell fell in love with a young American army officer who died in World War I. A year later, the flu took her mother's life. Leaving the university education halfway, the future writer returns to her birthplace.

At the age of 21, she met two young men: Red Upshow and John Marsh requested a date with her, and she couldn’t reject anyone. It even happens that Margaret, who is returning from a date, is waiting for another fan near her house. In the end, Mitchell chooses Red. John Marsh becomes the groom's best man at the happy couple's wedding. Historian Molly Haskell, like many, did not understand Mitchell's choice. “Nobody understood why she chose that drunk, unsuccessful, in a sense dangerous person.”

Red was unemployed, so Margaret decided to pursue a career in journalism. The husband disappears in a few days, months after he returns and starts beating her, even tries to rape her. Historian Eatherine Clark has studied this episode of  the author’s life. “This episode of rape is later used by Mitchell in the novel, but with one difference, Scarlett enjoys a forced love night, in contrast to the personal experience of the author of the novel.

Mitchell demands a divorce a year later. Three years later, at the age of 25, she married John Marsh. It was with the help and encouragement of John Marsh that a year later Mitchell began writing her legendary novel, the first reader and editor of which was her husband. When the novel is published, John becomes Margaret's manager. Affordable success does not change a couple's relationship. Moreover, they both respond to the letters of many readers. Mitchell answered everyone. Indiscriminately. For years.

The writer finances the production of two Atlanta-type cruise ships, participates in the solemn ceremony of consecration of the warship and the military ritual of lowering the water. This is what the biographer of Margaret Mitchell, Marien Walker, tells about. “During World War II, she helped war-torn families. Becomes a Red Cross volunteer.” Mitchell received a letter from Dr. Benjamin Mays in 1942. He asked for help from young black people to get a university education. Mace was an influential figure. He would later become the mentor of Martin Luther King.

There begins Margaret and Benjamin's long-standing secret partnership. Mays sent the money, and the writer immediately transferred the money to the messenger. Until the end of her life, Mitchell secretly helped black students, then financed the construction of the first black hospital. It was during those years, in 1945, that Mitchell's husband suffered a heart attack and became bedridden. Mitchell takes care of her husband for 2 years and gets him back on his feet. But their lives are changing. They rarely leave the house, they just prefer to go to the cinema.

