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Why exactly Chulpan Khamatova embodied the role o

Why exactly Chulpan Khamatova embodied the role of Zuleikha (video in Armenian)


Months ago Newmag Publishing House presented the international bestseller "Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes" novel. Yakhina initially wrote the draft as a screenplay and later rewrote it as a novel. Before being accepted for publication, the novel was rejected by

The soundtrack of the film is an indicator of Zuleikha's image, mood and character. It starts with one song and ends with another. The transformation of a Tatar woman who lost her four daughters and lost her husband is simply astonishing. To the extent that there is an impression that the actress changes during the film. In the first series, the silent, obedient Zuleikha, who uttered only one word, at the end speaks in a decisive tone, making important decisions. 

Love at first sight: The author of "Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes" novel confessed her public love as soon as she saw the actress. Guzel Yakhina was attracted to her eyes, which were the combination of incredible strength and fragility.   Only during a meeting in 2016 the public learned that while writing the novel, Guzel Yakhina imagined Chulpan Khamatova in the role of Zuleikha. After reading the novel written in the language of the film, Chulpan had the same desire.  "Thank you, Guzel. You took me to my childhood, to Kazan. I realized that I was cut off from my roots. The novel completely warmed me. You gave me the crumbs of my childhood."

Chulpan describes the day and even the moment when she learned that she will play Zuleikha in a series consisting of 8 episodes. "As soon as I found out, I called everyone and said "I will not greet you again." I told everyone that Guzel called me and said magic words. I envied myself."

Shootings were difficult in the woods, in freezing temperatures of 40 degrees, in cold water. Nevertheless, Chulpan remembers those days with shining eyes. "Yes, it was cold, we did not sleep, but it never affected me. I am one of those actors who are ready for anything if the role is interesting. I felt what my character was feeling - the pain, the fear, the sorrow."

The actress and the author have a lot in common: they are both Tatars, they both lived in Kazan, went to the same school without knowing each other, and both took Tatar language courses after school. Both have relatives who lived under Stalinist regime. Moreover, the name of Chulpan's relative, who was exiled to Siberia, was Zuleikha.  "People insult me saying that a Tatar woman can not wear a headscarf, can not fall in love with a Russian man. The picture of my relative is material evidence of the opposite."

After the first episodes of the series, Zuleikha's actor was cursed, insulted and even called a traitor. The Russian communists wrote a letter to the president, demanding to remove the series immediately. "I was cursed by so many people. They said that I desecrated the homeland. At first, I was shocked by those curses, then I came to terms with it. I even suggested they spit in my face and say whatever they thought." 

There are also supporters of the film who call for its screening to be included in the school curriculum: the sooner young people understand what the state is, its attitude towards the people, the faster the unfortunate country will start to develop.
