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On the 10th anniversary of Amundi-Acba, the presen

On the 10th anniversary of Amundi-Acba, the presentation of the book "Pensioners of the new generation" took place (Photos)



Amundi-Acba Asset Management is celebrating its 10th anniversary in Armenia. On this occasion, newmag published a book presenting the history of the pension system's formation over the past decade.

During these ten years, Amundi-Acba has overcome many challenges to promote the transparency and development of Armenia's asset management sector.

The achievements of 10 years of activity, highlighted by bright and impressive episodes about the implementation of the Armenian pension system, are compiled in Nane Manukyan's book. Key contributors to the creation, operation, and development of the funded pension system reveal the background of the reform, discuss the factors ensuring the system's viability, evaluate recorded results, and outline the outlook for the future.

According to the author, while writing, she realized that the information and stories could fill several books and inspire multiple films.

"In that sense, I think some parts of the book will surprise even those who were part of the process. This idea is also expressed in the book: there are many fathers but one child, and this system is a child with many fathers. Importantly, these individuals fathered the reform not only during times of success but also during crises. Therefore, our goal was for them to share their experiences in their own words."

The main partner for the book "Pensioners of the new generation" is Amundi-Acba Asset Management. According to Zarine Yeghiazaryan, who is responsible for marketing communications, Amundi-Acba adopted the values of its parent company from the very beginning. The French Amundi has outlined four key working principles: education, culture, solidarity, and the environment.

"The Amundi-Acba brand was launched simultaneously with the introduction of the funded system. The archetype of this brand is caring, reflecting the behavior of a considerate person. The funded pension system, apart from being a large-scale social reform, is also about care. When we were discussing the program of events dedicated to our tenth anniversary, the team decided we should publicize the history of our brand and the creation of the pension system."

Amundi-Acba Asset Management and newmag have been closely cooperating for the past five years. Together, they presented the "Aznavour" series, which includes ten books. The entire literary heritage of the chansonnier has been Armenianized, and a two-volume set of prose and poetry has also been published as a special edition. Famous songs have been Armenianized, featuring new instrumentation and a video clip, thanks to Amundi-Acba Asset Management.

According to Artak Aleksanyan, head of the publishing house, Amundi-Acba is one of the few partners with whom long-term cooperation has developed into a warm and mutually beneficial relationship.

"This book is one of our main efforts to document the modern history of Armenia. It is an important book for newmag, as the publisher created the entire work, from concept to print."

The book "Pensioners of the new generation" has been published in Armenian and English.


Pensioners of the new generation
Pensioners of the new generation

Nane Manukyan

5800 ֏


The Armenian model of the funded pension system was formed, tempered, and established over two decades. From studying international experience to shaping the Armenian model, from developing the legislative package to negotiations with internationally renowned asset management companies, from public outrage to constitutional crisis: the complete chronicle of this extensive pension reform is summarized in one book. Enriched with more than thirty exclusive interviews, the book presents the reality beyond the dry numbers, the negotiations behind closed doors, the successive cycles of rejections and successes, and much more.

Key figures who made crucial contributions at various stages of creating, launching, and developing the funded pension system reveal the behind-the-scenes of the reform, discuss the factors ensuring the system's viability, evaluate the achieved results, and outline the vision for the future.