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[New book, new author] “Bella Belladonna”: A Vanad

[New book, new author] “Bella Belladonna”: A Vanadzor Drama about Woman’s Loneliness, Monotonous Pain and Fading Struggle (trailer in Armenian)


Newmag presents a Vanadzor drama based on a story about a lonely woman. The author is Narine Kroyan. She is one of the new authors that joined Newmag. Narine Kroyan was born, raised and currently lives in Vanadzor. In her new book Narine tells the story o

“Bella Belladonna” novel is Narine Kroyan’s 7th book. The author started to publish her books only a decade ago. She graduated from the Moscow Institute of Public Administration with a degree in Economics. Narine Kroyan is a candidate of economic sciences, author of scientific articles. Her first collection of stories was published in 2010. Narine Kroyan mainly writes fairy tales, short stories and novellas. She has received numerous literary awards. Currently Narine is a lecturer at Lori State Regional College in Vanadzor.

Narine Kroyan often writes about her native Vanadzor, its inhabitants, their social and psychological problems. The characters in Narine’s stories are simple, ordinary people. Those are the people that surrounded her throughout her life, neighbors or relatives. War is one of the most common topics that can be found in Kroyan’s stories. She writes about war, the soldiers and heroic stories. The author does not avoid harsh and sometimes cruel descriptions of the events. She documents all the details of the reality we find ourselves in during the war and seemingly peaceful days.

In this book the main character is Bella - a single, 48-year-old unemployed woman, who lives with her bedridden mother. Bella is comforted by her “Belladonna” flowers. The flowers are both beautiful and toxic, just like the depression in Bella’s head. The colors of the dark reality of these lonely women change with one knock on the door, when a 14-year-old girl appears in their apartment.

This playful and lively child turns Bella’s life upside down, making her live, look around and discover the most painful truth of the past. The child makes Bella take a deeper look at her life and emotions. In her monologues Bella confesses that she feels the changes inside her. “Fear is not destiny. At first it seemed like fate, but I already know that it is not fate, because in the end it was my choice, my decision.”

Narine Kroyan’s literary style includes numerous allegorical, mystical images. “Bella Belladonna” is unique in terms of its simple language, accurate dialogues, touching monologues and vivid descriptions. Kroyan also dedicated special sections to the Armenian Apostolic Church, the chapel founded in the 13th century in their town, which is now a church complex. St. Mariam Astvatsatsin in Vanadzor is the favorite place to visit for the main characters of the book. The deep conversations with the pastor are an awaited event every Sunday.

The TV presentation of this Vanadzor drama telling a captivating story of a lonely woman will be on October 22, in the scope of the “Good Morning” program of Armenia TV.
