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In 2021, Newmag presented twice as many books as i

In 2021, Newmag presented twice as many books as in 2020 (video in Armenian)


In 2021, Newmag translated and published several dozen international bestsellers. The reader had the opportunity to choose a genre: popular science, memoir, personal growth, sports. This year, several books translated by Newmag consisted of several volume

Newmag started its activity in 2018. In the first year the publishing house presented 4 books to the readers, in 2019 it published 15 books, and in 2020 - 16 books. Gnel Nalbandyan notes that during these years, the publishing house tried to stay close to its mission, thus translating and publishing only quality books - international bestsellers. In addition, the publishing house tried to publish Armenian writers and make their works known.  "We published Narine Kroyan's book this year. Bella Belladonna represents our reality, just as another book from this year’s publications - The Normal People, by Sally Rooney, depicts modern Ireland."

Newmag's main mission during these three years has not changed - to offer the reader a book, which has a content, quality and design of international standards. Due to this concept in 2021, Newmag’s books are among the most read and discussed books of the year. “Some of the most trendy books are indeed “Elon Musk”, Aznavour’s memoirs, Mark Manson's ''Models” ,''The Power of Habit”. We have many publications this year and all of them were well-received by the readers.”

Exactly 30 books - just as many literary works have left the publishing house, reached bookstores, and then the reader's desk. In addition to bookstores, the publishing house also sells the books online in Armenia, Artsakh and around the world. Our books reached the reader without any delays. “We have published some really serious books this year, such as the two volumes of Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone with the Wind”, 2 volumes of Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels. Besides that, we have also translated “All the Kremlin’s Men” and “The Square and the Tower”, which have an immense importance for us as a publishing house.”

This year we have also presented books on philosophy, economics, and popular science works. For the first time Newmag published thrillers.“Alex Michaelides’s “The Silent Patient” was sold out immediately. The author’s second book “The Maidens” was also quite successful. Last year we translated Narine Abgaryan’s “Three Apples Fell from the Sky” book, this year “Simon” and “Manyunya” were also translated. In 2022 we will publish two more volumes, as well as two volumes from Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels.”

A very important event for the Newmag publishing house was held in 2021- Newmag Summer Fest. It was unique in its size: for the first time a festival was organized in Armenia, which was held simultaneously in 5 different locations, including 11 hours of various discussions, lectures, presentations, readings. This festival was a unique landmark for Newmag. In 2022, the publishing house is planning to organize not only festivals and publish new books, but also to implement various interesting projects related to books and reading.
