"Yeraz" presents a stunning Swedish picture book "Finding the Way to Faraway Valley" (Trailer)
The "Yeraz" series and the "Paradigma" educational foundation present the famous Swedish painter Cecilia Heikkila and her book "Finding the Way to Faraway Valley".
The "Finding the Way to Faraway Valley"
by Cecilia Heikkila follows the adventures of two bears, a grandfather and his
cub, as they set out to reach the other side of the world. They face icy
mountains, bottomless lakes, and wild animals that could be dangerous. Will
they find the legendary yet forgotten last stronghold? You’ll have to read the
picture book to find out.
The book was written and illustrated by Cecilia Heikkila. The
Swedish graphic designer and children's picture book author often works in her
studio with her dog, Mochi. She loves animals, pen and paper, and the smell of
new books. Animals and nature are central themes in her work.
The picture book is presented by the "Yeraz" series
and the "Paradigma" educational foundation. It includes a special
guide for parents, confirmed by education experts. Three books in the "Yeraz"
series feature such guides.
The book will be presented on August 24 at Yeraz Park and will
be available for sale at the "BACK TO SCHOOL" children's and youth