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World-famous people read Vartan Gregorian’s “The R

World-famous people read Vartan Gregorian’s “The Road to Home” (Video in Armenian)


Newmag Publishing House presented Vartan Gregorian’s “The Road to Home” book. This literary piece depicts the unique memoir of the life of a great mentor. It describes his challenges, achievements and opportunities in one book. Gregorian’s story consists

Gareth Evans - Former Australian Foreign Minister 

From Tabriz, Iran to New York City, a poor boy, yearning for knowledge, a wandering Armenian who ended up on the society pages of the New York Times. This is the life it has been my privilege to lead. 



Samantha Power - Former US Ambassador to the UN

Now, as I sit in my office, under a portrait of Andrew Carnegie, I am given to reflecting on the long voyage that brought me here. In Lebanon, my first mentor - Simon Vratzian, the last prime minister of the short-lived first Republic of Armenia, was a surrogate father, teacher and benevolent benefactor. For all my success in the first ten years, I owe him. 


Ruben Vardanyan -  Co-Founder of Aurora Humanitarian Initiative  

Many mentors, friends and strangers have helped and guided me along the way,-as well, of course, as my wife and children. But sometimes there is a slight suspicion in me that a fickle finger of fate was still involved in everything.


Lord Ara Darzi - Director of the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London

I had a great empathy for Carnegie and detected some similarities in our backgrounds:  We were both boys from poor families. We both knew, in our hearts and in our bones, that education would save us and direct us - that in fact, education is the key to a better life for everyone, no matter who they are or where they are born. 



Bernard Kouchner - Former French Foreign Minister 

A book to me is still one of the most extraordinary creations of man, because it is a gift of knowledge. A book contains dreams, ideas and ideals. It contains notions about reality and utopia, about revolutions and clues about life and freedom and happiness.


 Mary Robinson - Former President of Ireland

To construct and cherish a library is to invest not only in ourselves, but in future generations. A library is a legacy. A library is a mirror to the past and a window to the future. 


Noubar Afeyan - Co-Founder of Aurora Humanitarian Initiative

As a young boy in Tabriz, I had read about the terrible devastation wrought by the Great War, including the deportations, atrocities and genocides perpetrated against civilian populations. 


Ernesto Zedillo - Former President of Mexico 

One thing is clear, however: peace will be rooted in understanding how the differences between us - between states, peoples, and nations - cause conflict, and in finding ways of managing those differences instead of letting them explode into hostilities. 



George Clooney - Film Producer 

Andrew Carnegie himself said that he wanted the philanthropies he had begun to do real and permanent good in this world. I had no money, so I have learned through Carnegie's legacy, what is possible to do with money: give it away! In much the same way, I had learned earlier, how a boy who had no books could grow up to be a man dedicated to using the resources of many to provide books for millions. 



