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"Iron Will" talk show dedicated to Sargis Stepanya

"Iron Will" talk show dedicated to Sargis Stepanyan's extraordinary life story (photos, video in Armenian)


On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the formation of the army, on January 28, Armenia TV and Newmag presented the "Iron Will" talk show. The TV project was dedicated to the unbreakable image of Lieutenant Colonel Sargis Stepanyan, his iron will, ov

Three years ago, Newmag initiated a book publishing about Sargis Stepanyan. The work was delayed due to the war and pandemic. It was finally completed in 2022. The biography "Arm-Man" by Sargis Stepanyan and military journalist Davit Davtyan was published on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Army. The documentary "Stand Up" was shot on the bases of the book. 


Sargis Sepanyan's father, Vanik Stepanyan, a participant in the First Artsakh War, who was present at the talk show, remembers that when his son left the intensive care unit, he had already concentrated on his mission. As soon as he recovered, Sargis started to help soldiers with disabilities to get back on their feet: "In the beginning, Sargis went through a lot of difficulties. It was difficult to open a center, but he did not give up. He can still spend days at the center, helping the boys, teaching them to adjust to the inconveniences. Sargis inspires them and works with them in hospitals. I'm proud of my son."

The hero of the book and the movie leads a whole group today, as did before the injury. Many have graciously rediscovered themselves, struggled again and became professional, record-breaking athletes. Sargis's wife, Armine, is convinced that the book will help to believe and continue to live, regardless of the difficulties:  "We must start to live and not lose faith. If we cannot change anything, we still can continue to live. Difficulty loses its cruelty when you begin to overcome it.”


Due to a hard, persistent struggle and daily hard work, Sargis realizes his dreams, one by one, without deviating from his plans. According to him, if you do not perceive yourself as a disabled person and try to fully express yourself, you will find out that you are not inferior to others and can live your life at its fullest.  "If a person acquires a disability, it does not mean that life stops. How can we think like that when we lost friends in the war, when they gave their lives for the homeland? We must first be strong enough to set an example for others.”

Sargis says these words during the talk show, where the boys, who lost limbs in the last Artsakh war, sit in front of him. It was thanks to Sargis that they got up, trained, and participated in World and European championships. Sargis is their source of inspiration. After all, if he can return home from the championship with 3 gold medals with one hand, so can they. This was the main purpose of writing and publishing the book. Sargis wanted to write down his story in order to inspire others with his own experience.
