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Narine Abgaryan's quirks or utter nonsense in 8 po

Narine Abgaryan's quirks or utter nonsense in 8 points (video)


Newmag has compiled a list of quirks of Narine Abgaryan. The author herself ironically and loudly acknowledges this. For instance, she has a fear of passing through areas where a rope or chain is hung, and she occasionally mixes up colors and numbers. It

Quirk #1

I mix up colors and numbers. This has been a longstanding quirk of mine for as long as I can recall. It's as if something in my brain clicked, and numbers and colors formed two parallel rows. For instance, in my mind, 3 is associated with yellow, 4 with green, 5 with red, 2 with blue, 6 with maroon, and 1 with white. So, when the traffic light turns green, I mentally think: “It's 4; I can proceed”. If a child were to ask, “Mommy, what time is it?” I might casually reply, “It's half past brown”.

Quirk #2

A rather unsettling phobia, indeed. I fear passing through areas where there is a rope or a chain, such as between two pillars. I will actively seek an alternative route, and if I cannot find one, and I must cross the rope, I must gather all my strength and exert my willpower. The most crucial factor: the lower that rope hangs, the more terrified I become. If I am not mistaken, this is referred to as panic syndrome.

Quirk #3

After taking a shower, I can't swallow my saliva for a while. Is it normal? After bathing, I constantly rush to the sink or toilet for about twenty minutes and, to tell the truth, I elegantly spit into it. If you say that it has something to do with panic syndrome, I will just hang myself.

Quirk #4

I am a highly sensitive individual, which might not be a terrible trait, right? However, there are moments when my sensitivity becomes overwhelmingly intense, to the point of being repulsive. If you praise me for something, the excess of emotions will make me convince you of the opposite. If you suddenly think of doing something nice for me (bequeathing an apartment in the center of Copenhagen or gifting a small island), it won't work. You will only waste time. It's not even easy. Maybe I'm a slob?

Quirk #5

I can't be coquettish. Not at all. I am as coquettish as a cardan shaft. Some men, finding out my strangeness, tried to kiss me. They mistakenly think that a woman is ready for anything if she is not a coquette. I put them in their place at once. Although to hide my sin, I would like to sway like a tender deer, vibrate like a deer, slightly bending what experienced coquettes would band. I’m not blessed with this talent. Not blessed.

Quirk #6

My memory is short; I never hold onto insults. Do they cause harm? I may get upset for a couple of days, but then I forget about them forever. Is this a good thing? Not at all. Sometimes, you contemplate arguing with your husband, one day you decide to put yourself in the place of a victim, and one day you find out that you have no grievances against him. What was bothering you is now out of your head. You can neither create a scene, nor break dishes, nor openly cry into a pillow. In short, I am not useful in anything.

Quirk #7

If you visit me without warning, I might appear disheveled. At home, I prefer to have fresh and neatly arranged clothes. And please don't mention panic syndrome; the issue is different. My skin is quite sensitive and can't tolerate rough seams or labels. That's why I pay careful attention to my clothing. My family is aware of this, and when they call to say they're coming over, they remind me to tidy up. They ask, “Are you The Princess on the Pea”, or “Are you the stray of the Pool Street?”

Quirk #8

I can't pat myself on the back. It's challenging for me to share my joy with others, to tell them when I've done a good deed, like assisting a grandmother across the street or rescuing a cat from a tree. I'm quite an unconventional person, often described as an unusual type, even though my zodiac sign is Capricorn, not Aquarius. People seem to label me that way. Nevertheless, I've decided to confront my quirks. I've grown up and am prepared for a personal battle. Right now, I'm willing to commend myself.
