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To have a house with lots of chicken, drink coffe

To have a house with lots of chicken, drink coffee in the morning, eat fresh bread and cheese for breakfast: Narine Abgaryan plans to move to Armenia (video in Armenian)


Within the series of interviews “Talks about the future” Mark Grigoryan hosted writer Narine Abgaryan. They have discussed the current situation in Armenia, domestic politics, and the process of overcoming the post-war traumas. Narine Abgaryan confessed t

The purest happiness for Narine has the following image: “Having a house with a stone fireplace and lots of chicken, drinking coffee in the morning, eating fresh bread and cheese for breakfast, and gossiping with the neighbors.”

Narine Abgaryan has already written about the people who count the years from war to war. There may be a new book about the new generation that saw the nightmare of war, but not in the coming years. Narine Abgaryan believes that now the priorities are quite different. We need to recover, help others and create a country, which has pain and hope as its basis. “We lost the war, but by accepting this idea we must maintain a sense of dignity. Now it's time to learn from our mistakes, because we may not have another chance.”

In her native Tavush, about which Narine Abgaryan often refers in literary works, people have been living in a state of war for generations, with severe psychological traumas. In those places, war has become a unit of time. “I am from Tavush, a place, where women, being more emotional, get sick after each nervous situation. Most of the men serve at the border or have died during the war. Older people count the years from war to war. I'm not sure if I will write a new book, or maybe it will be in five years.”

In order to heal the wounds, you don’t have to look for foreign rescuers. The author of the "Three apples fell from the sky novel" knows by her example that each of us can contribute to the reconstruction of the country by doing our job silently. It is not clear when the Moscow-based writer will move to Armenia for permanent residence, but currently, she is thinking about living in her native Berd and opening a guest house there. “You should rely on yourself, not wait for a smart uncle from Europe, Russia, or, say, China to come and solve your problems. We must be the ones to solve our problems. We need to rely on our strength.”

According to Narine Abgaryan, one should be sober and realize that Armenians are not only the first to convert to Christianity but also those who lost the war. Narine Abgaryan claims - you do not have to master the glory of your ancestors, you have to answer for your own mistakes and act accordingly. 
