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Why Dr. Larry Senn Wrote “The Mood Elevator”? (Vid

Why Dr. Larry Senn Wrote “The Mood Elevator”? (Video)


Emotions can range from positive to negative, yet many individuals seldom think about the emotional elevator they go up and down. Larry Sen urges taking mood swings seriously and getting on the mood elevator, but instead of succumbing to its shifts, he advocates for managing it.

According to Larry Senn, the author of “The Mood Elevator”, on high floors we realize that we are grateful, wise, creative, resourceful, and hopeful. On the lower floors we are depressed, angry, nervous, judgmental and defensive. “People who have read “The Mood Elevator” claim that the formula of the book has helped them rethink the way they approach their clients. The book shows the method of living life to the fullest. People see how this simple formula has helped me. I am a vivid example of this. The mood elevator represents several stages of a person's mood, from hyper-efficiency to low motivation, impatience, depression, and anger”.

The book is a unique guide to managing personnel, reorganizing normal family life, and editing personal behavior, which has helped many avoid unpleasant and unwanted phenomena and stressful situations. "Each of us appears in one of these stages at different times. It seems like it should be, but you can press the button to call the elevator and move to higher floors without hurting yourself or others. Imagine what a big difference this could make in the field of customer service”.

The psychologist author reminds us that sometimes it seems that mood is influenced by the environment and people. However, it is not so. "If you had a bad mood, life seemed unbearable, but you slept normally, and everything seemed normal in the morning. What has changed? Nothing. If you put two different people in the same situation, one will be happy and the other will be anxious. What is the reason? At the root of everything is the way of thinking. The mind shapes our mood, and it depends on whether we are happy or sad. We create our mood".

Defining these formulas, Larry Senn took into account both his life experience and the cooperation of the company he founded with private organizations. Without a mood elevator, we cannot rise to higher floors at once unless we start from the bottom. We must realize that we create our mood and we decide whether to go up or down in the elevator. "When you see others at their peak, just think back to all the times you've reached a peak and felt fulfilled. That way, the desire for efficiency, the creative mind, and many new ideas will awaken. When people learn to live with healthy values, the elevator of their mood takes them to higher floors”.

Dr. Larry Sen is a prominent psychologist and corporate culture specialist. Conducted many motivational trainings, which were attended by 120 company managers and 500 businessmen, all with teams and employees. Author of more than 15 books. “Forum” magazine declared Larry Senn the "father of corporate culture".
