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The TV presentation of "The Culture Map" by Erin M

The TV presentation of "The Culture Map" by Erin Meyer took place (video)


The presentation of "The Culture Map" by Professor Erin Meyer from the internationally leading INSEAD business school took place on the Morning Show of Armenia TV. The author studied the decisions of the world's most successful business leaders and demons

According to Davit Sargsyan, the translator, the author started to write the book for business and those companies where people of different cultures work: Americans, Indians, British, and this book is a guide for all of them to work properly in one workplace. After reading it, everyone can solve problems, work problems. "The book conceptualizes the problems, divides them into 8 parts, and gives very specific examples and solutions, so that if you work with people from other cultures and cannot understand what is required of you, with this book you can understand everything. It will make your work easy. The rule is that all parties, employees and employers, must exert equal effort to achieve mutual understanding. For example, a Mexican manager goes to the Netherlands to work in a very famous company, he used to do the same job in Mexico, in the same position and the same company, but with Mexicans, now with Dutch people, and that wonderful specialist just fails".

Editor Gnel Nalbandian is convinced that the Armenian reader will read the book with great pleasure. "We worked to make the language of the book so as not to cause problems. We tried to transform the Western cultural system, and the linguistic culture with the Armenian language culture to make the book understandable for the Armenian reader. I think it will be easy to read, complex topics will become comprehensible, and the Armenian reader will not be puzzled as to what the author wanted to say”.

According to Davit Sargsyan, the deputy chairman of the management board of "Ardshinbank" CJSC which is the partner of the book, they decided to publish it because recently there has been a sharp increase in foreigners in Armenia. A guide was needed. “Many foreign specialists work in all our companies. The entire business community, not only in the banking sector, has started to work more on exports, even service providers. With the example of our bank, and I am sure that in the case of other businesses as well, 80 percent of the profits are formed outside the territory of Armenia. Naturally, it is much more important how you communicate, and how you negotiate. We realized that now was the right time to publish this book for both students and various business representatives to benefit from".

According to Davit Sargsyan, in any debate, any practical discussion with Germans, Dutch, and Russians, it is a must to explain the offer. But for example, in the American culture, in the culture of many, many other countries, simply the offer is made. "I and many people like me used to take it negatively, but soon you understand that there is nothing negative behind your foreign partner’s question, there is no intention to hurt you, he/she just thinks that way. We had a manager who worked for a long time in one of the Russian companies… It is natural that the more you work, the more you start to become a bearer of that culture, and during any discussion, he was saying that it was a shame, it was a disaster, take it out, throw it away... in fact that is the Russian approach to problems, the same is the case with the Germans, they exaggerate the problem to understand it correctly”.

According to critics, Erin Meyer's book is an excellent guide that all business leaders should follow to succeed in a multicultural environment.
