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“New Mind, New Translation” Forum: Day 1 - Three P

“New Mind, New Translation” Forum: Day 1 - Three Psychological Books to Heal the Body and Soul



Post-traumatic events, loss, and grief - how individuals and society can overcome post-traumatic stress disorder. On the first day of the two-day “New Mind, New Translation” Forum, the Gulbenkian Foundation and Newmag presented three psychological books translated into Armenian, offering new perspectives on trauma recovery.

The first book introduced at the conference was Bessel van der Kolk’s “The Body Keeps the Score”. Editor Tatev Baghdasaryan described it as an exceptional work, particularly relevant today, as an entire nation struggles with post-traumatic stress.

“They often ask why people don’t react, why they don’t fight back or speak up after everything that has happened. But we fail to acknowledge that a large part of our society is suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder. And with that condition, people often become indifferent, disconnected, unable to recognize imminent danger. PTSD deeply affects a person’s ability to function.”

Baghdasaryan shared a powerful realization from the book: 

“Sometimes, we believe that the traumatic event didn’t really happen to us. We dissociate from our bodies, unable to withstand the emotional pain, experiencing it as if from the outside. The word ‘survive’ is especially fitting in this context. We use it when discussing the Armenian Genocide, and it’s true. People don’t just endure trauma in a single moment; they continue to live through it for the rest of their lives.”

Anush Aleksanyan, founder of the “Yerkusov” psychological center, called “The Body Keeps the Score” a fundamental work in the field of psychology. 

“This book compiles decades of research, summarizing all major psychological methods used from the 1960s to the present. The author presents studies conducted by leading experts, making it a valuable resource. Often, when we talk about psychological issues, we distance them from ourselves. It feels like these things happen to others, not to us. But we must acknowledge that these challenges exist within our society. PTSD affects people around us, our friends, family, neighbors, and it can affect us too. We need to cultivate empathy and understanding for those struggling with trauma.”

Marine Sahakyan, a psychologist-psychotherapist at the Soldier’s House rehabilitation center, explained that PTSD is not limited to war veterans. 

“It can impact anyone who has experienced violence, physical, sexual, or emotional, or who has witnessed tragic events. Our body and mind are interconnected. They constantly communicate with each other. Many soldiers come to us saying they don’t have PTSD, that they have moved on from the war. But they describe symptoms like apathy, lack of motivation, and fear of the future. These are the hidden effects of trauma. Sometimes, we suppress the memory of a traumatic event, but its consequences remain with us every day.”

War veteran, lieutenant colonel, and author of “Bazkamard”, Sargis Stepanyan, shared his personal experience of overcoming PTSD and helping other veterans do the same.

“We run a sports program where men and women who have suffered injuries train together. It’s not just about physical recovery, it’s about mental resilience. Focusing on future goals brings stability and strength. Yes, the body remembers everything, but the mind never forgets. The key is to learn to live with our trauma, to befriend it, and to understand it.”

The book “The Body Keeps the Score” became a New York Times bestseller and has been translated into 43 languages.

A panel discussion followed on two additional psychological books published with the support of the Gulbenkian Foundation: Joan Didion’s “The Year of Magical Thinking” and Julia Samuel’s “Every Family Has a Story”. The discussion featured the books’ translators, a psychologist, and a clergyman, who examined how these works help individuals and families cope with grief and loss.

According to World Health Organization data from 2023, approximately 22,500 Armenian displaced persons may develop mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. The same report states: 

“Although they have found some sense of safety upon arriving in Armenia, many remain deeply traumatized and uncertain about their future.”

Artsakh journalist and author of “The Last Red Lipstick”, Tsovinar Barkhudaryan, spoke about the impact of displacement on Artsakh residents. 

“Since moving to Armenia, the number of deaths among Artsakh refugees has increased. People would say, ‘I have nothing left but my pain, and I don’t want to share it with anyone.’ Many of them die from grief. They simply cannot endure it. There have even been cases of suicide. When I spoke with displaced Armenians, they told me, ‘We cried a lot.’ But we never really had time to process what happened to us. We didn’t get a chance to sit together, to mourn, to understand our loss. Now, by talking to each other, we finally begin to release the heavy emotions we’ve carried for so long.”

Father Bardughimeos Hakobyan, spiritual pastor of the Holy Martyrs Church in Nubarashen, shared his experience working with the families of fallen, captured, and missing soldiers from the 44-day war.

“In the past, when communities were smaller, the church was not just a place for religious rituals, it played a central role in people’s lives. Today, people turn to the internet for guidance, but the answers are still in the Holy Bible. God never promised a life without hardship. He told us that there will always be trials. Our role is to teach resilience, to help people find strength in their experiences.”

Anush Sedrakyan, translator of “The Year of Magical Thinking”, reflected on how the book changed her perception of grief. 

“While translating, I realized that emotions can be cataloged and analyzed. That concept is foreign to us. We tend to avoid discussing our grief. But this book shows how the author transforms personal loss into a deeply analytical exploration. Didion writes about her guilt, her belief that she could have saved her husband, prevented his death. If we feel that kind of guilt after losing a loved one, imagine the trauma of losing our homeland. It’s not just pain, it’s a wound to our dignity.”

The translator of “Every Family Has a Story” explained how the book explores inherited trauma. 

“Our grief is often passed down through generations. The book presents the stories of eight different families, showing how they confronted their past and found ways to heal.”

Psychologist Marina Ghazaryan introduced the concept of bibliotherapy, using literature as a tool for emotional healing. 

“This book is a remarkable work with an outstanding translation. The author skillfully integrates psychological concepts with real-life experiences. When people read, they remain engaged, and that prevents emotional shutdown. The loss of meaning in life is the greatest danger. That’s why alternative methods, like reading, are so crucial in overcoming grief. Specialists should guide people in rediscovering purpose.”

Razmik Panosyan, head of the Armenian Communities Department at the Gulbenkian Foundation, concluded the first day of the forum. He recalled how Newmag’s collaboration with the foundation began.

“A few years ago, Artak Aleksanyan approached me with the idea of translating these psychological books into Armenian. At the time, we didn’t realize how vital they would become. But today, with five thousand fallen soldiers, displaced families, and a nation in mourning, these books offer something essential, an understanding of our collective trauma and the means to process it.”

On the second day of the forum, discussions will shift to geopolitics, featuring the presentation of two major works: a study on the Artsakh War and Edward Said’s "Orientalism".


The body keeps the score
The body keeps the score

Bessel van der Kolk

7800 ֏


Trauma radically changes the structure of the human brain, disrupts the delicate balance of the nervous system and the body's physiological reactions. In his bestselling work, world-renowned psychiatrist Besselvan der Kolk explains why painful memories are not forgotten, how they manifest in the form of physical and emotional problems, and how to overcome their consequences. Through true stories and scientific research, the author presents innovative therapeutic approaches that will help each re...
The 44 Day War
The 44 Day War

Vicken Cheterian

7800 ֏


This book is a collection of 16 articles on the 2020 Karabakh War, the diplomacy leading up to it, geopolitics, entrenched notions, the arms race and military reforms or lack thereof, and social and domestic political developments in Armenia and Azerbaijan. 17 Armenian and foreign authors examine Armenia’s defeat in the 2020 war, the events and developments that preceded it.

The research and publication of this book was funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.


Edward W. Said

8800 ֏


In this extensive, intellectually influential study, Said presents the history of Orientalism. The West, which had long dominated the Near and Middle East, viewed the East from a superior position. The East was called the “Orient” in the West, that is, “Other” in the West. This perspective continues to be entrenched in the West, and, since the West has not allowed the East to present itself, it also inhibits attempts to fully understand the East.

This groundbreaking book, first published in 1978, remains one of the most influential studies in social science, especially in the fields of ethnography and postcolonial studies. Said was critical of the concept of “Orientalism,” which he considered to be a set of false assumptions of the West about the East.

This Throughout the book, Said presents “the Eurocentric prejudice against Arab-Islamic peoples and cultures.” He shows that the false and romantic perception of Asia and the Middle East, rooted in Western culture, served as a justification for the colonial and imperial ambitions of Europe and the United States.

Every Family Has a Story
Every Family Has a Story

Julia Samuel

6800 ֏


Why do some families thrive in adversity while others fragment? How can families weather difficult transitions together? Why do our families so often exasperate us? And how can even small changes greatly improve our relationships?

Every Family Has a Story, bestselling psychotherapist Julia Samuel turns from her acclaimed work with individuals to draw on her sessions with a wide variety of families, across multiple generations. Through eight beautifully told and insightful case studies, she analyzes a range of common issues, from loss to leaving home, and from separation to step-relationships, and shows how much is, in fact, inherited—and how much can be healed when it is faced together. Exploring the relationships that both touch us most and hurt us most, including the often under-appreciated impact of grandparents and siblings, and incorporating the latest academic research, she offers wisdom that is applicable to us all. Her twelve touchstones for family well-being—from fighting productively to making time for rituals—provide us with the tools to improve our relationships, and to create the families we wish for. This is a moving and reassuring meditation that, amid trauma and hardship, tells unforgettable stories of forgiveness, hope and love.

The Year of magical thinking
The Year of magical thinking

Joan Didion

5800 ֏


In this book, Joan Didion tells the story of the most difficult year of her life. A year when her husband, writer John Gregory Dunne, with whom she had lived for more than 40 years, suddenly passed away. The book is a moving memoir about the author's grief, about overcoming loss, understanding what happened, and about the signs that, if noticed, might have prevented it. The author immerses herself in the disorienting and surrealistic experience of loss, reflecting on the rituals and memories that shape our understanding of life and death. The memoir is not only a story of personal tragedy but also a study of grief, resilience, and the power of the human spirit.